Reach to the trigger is about the same as the PS90. My suspicion is it should be spot on out to 100-150 yards. The good: Accuracy is great out to the 30 yards I tried it at. It’s a little pricey at $700 when a el-cheapo AR is running $850. The magazine well is a bit clumsy for seating the standard 15 round M9 magazines, but I suspect the extended 30 round ones should go in much easier. Some might not like the safety - it’s a cross bolt and hard to operate unless you’re used to a shotgun then you’ll be fine. I dropped one on and I can still see the iron sights through the glass, just in case. The gun needs a decent reflex sight or a simple red dot. The iron sights are spot on but horrible for quick use. The bad first: The trigger’s a bit heavy, but better than the PS90. I borrowed one from the local range and put a few boxes through it. All the reviews touted the reliability and the accuracy. The Storm is a sexy looking thing that uses M9/92 model magazines, and those are plentiful. There were only a few options - an AR in 9mm, but i don’t like the ergonomics and if you’re going to buy an AR, buy a rifle cartridge there was the Hi-Point, which had some real boosters online, but looked like crap and the Beretta CX4. 45 for cost efficiency (and because it’s near impossible to get a 10mm carbine.) Time to make some room in the gun cabinet. Also, I hadn’t shot the PS90 in almost three years. The PS90 served the house for a decade with the FiveSeven as my carry gun, but over the last two years or so, I realized i wasn’t carrying the FN, despite the lighter weight my 1911 was more concealable. The downsides are obvious: 1) lower power, 2) shorter effective range.

i was much more fond of the FN PS90 in 5.7mm - sure, it didn’t have the power of the AR-15, but for most urban engagements or home defense SHTF situations, a pistol cartridge carbine has a few definite advantages: 1) they’re lighter, 2) ammo is interchangeable with handguns, 3) they’re easier to control and shoot. For the last decade, I’ve had a selection of rifles - mostly AR-style carbines from various manufacturers in gas port and gas piston, but I never meshed with the ergonomics of the weapon.