I tried at Bravo's location just in case and, even though they had told me they had no wounded, the chopper loaded some. They said there were no wounded to be picked up. I sent the choppers to Alpha and told them to load the wounded. Alpha had two wounded and Bravo had none. I requested a status report from Alpha and Bravo to check for KIA and wounded. I had finished the mission previously by evacuating all the wounded at night so I tried to spend the night in the hills this time.Īfter surviving the night, my choppers reported they were ready for action. But if, I don't ask and send the chopper straight away, sometimes they don't have any wounded even if they have called for evacuation. When I request a status report from A or B and they tell me they have wounded, they usually have. I don't know the reason why: Aren't there really any wounded? Is the fighting making impossible for them to make the evacuation? (Green 3 told me they'd landed so I assumed the could do it) The second situation I find is when Alpha or Bravo call for immediate evacuation and, after Green 3 lands at the calling unit location and is told to evacuate the wounded, he says he can't. It'd be great to be able to communicate with C so we can go where we are really needed so we can save time, fuel and digital lives. However, the second time I visit that north eastern unit, there usually are wounded waiting to be evacuated. The problem is that I can't communicate with C in order to confirm whether they have wounded soldiers or not, so I have to assume an extra hop to another C unit where I can pick up some wounded soldiers. This usually happens the first time I visit the most north eastern C unit.

I tell him to medevac the wounded and he tells me he can't. The helo gets there and tells me he's ready. We are in a battle, and I believe this game is trying to take itself seriously on that fact, can we agree on that? then why are 2 children arguing over the COMMAND RADIO when the US ARMY is trying to give battle commands? Do you think soldiers used the airstrike radio like a whatsapp group chat? I would have never gave a negative review if the offenses weren't so excessive, I'd suggest you guys take a break making video games and go make some tumblr posts to get that steam off your chest, it is too noticeable.Sometimes I find this situation: I get Green 3 to pick up some wounded at one of the three C units. I tried so hard to ignore the writing because the premise of the game initially leads that the dialogue is not the focus, I shouldn't worry about a little bad writing right? But the politicizations that bleed into everything, even mission briefings, are so overpowering the soup becomes poisoned. Your game is set in 1965, why does everyone need to make their comments zingers like its 2023 reddit, on above mentioned crucial radio airwaves nonetheless? Did you want to make a Vietnam war game or a documentary about the civil rights movement? Your Coleman character cannot stop pushing his (see: your) social activism off the radio, might I add, this is the radio that me and the entire operation is using for essential combat intelligence ranging from medevacs and artillery strikes. What at first seemed like an innovative map-only command tent simulation of Vietnam first annoyingly, then incessantly and eventually irredeemably could not keep the developers political commentaries out of their game. I did not know what I was getting into before I played this.